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How to play a Lottery

How to Play Norway - Vikinglotto

Here’s the scoop on Vikinglotto – how to play the game. For a chance to win a prize, you have to do the following:

• Pick 6 main numbers from a pool of 48

• Pick one bonus number (the Viking number) from 1 to 5

To win the Vikinglotto jackpot, you must match the 6 main numbers and the bonus number for the respective drawing.

Prize Breakdown

Norway - Vikinglotto - Prize Breakdown

Viking Lotto gives players six to nine ways to win a prize (depending on where the drawing is taking place). This is an estimated prize breakdown for Norway.

Numbers Matched Estimated Average Prize, %
6 5.5% of the prize fund
5 + 1 9% of the prize fund
5 6.4% of the prize fund
4 8.6% of the prize fund
3 76% of the prize fund
More information
Frequently Asked Questions

24Lottos is especially designed for the needs of international lottery players. You can be located in any part of the world – except in the United States and Israel.
The only condition that all players have to meet is being of legal age (18 or older).

24Lottos doesn’t take any fee or commission on prizes, the winnings are fully yours!

We’ll send you an email notification about your winnings and they will be credited to your account immediately. After your account will be credited, you can withdraw the money or buy more tickets. 

If you win the jackpot, you will be contacted by our winner's support team and explain how to proceed and how you would like to be paid. 

You will get your winnings guaranteed. The whole purpose of 24Lottos is to provide a secured service for playing lotteries worldwide, and this is our expertise to make sure you will receive your winnings on time.